Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Age of Enlightenment has been replaced —— by the Age of Entanglement

 Danny Hillis says it very well indeed.  His blog post is well worth reading and pondering.

The five hundred year old Age of Enlightenment occurred when man, mostly males of the European part of the human species, deluded themselves into thinking they had discovered the few - simple - laws of reality and could now easily replace some and soon all of the products and environments provided by Mother Nature, with superior man-made, human-made products & environments : Synthetic Autarky, High Modernity.

But today, we are coming to realize that we are thoroughly entangled, somewhere stuck in the middle, with Mother Nature’s species, products & environments, with all other human beings and with our own human made technologies and environments.

I only want to add that WWII and 1945 was the turning point, when the whole world came to accept that the vast European civilization was far far superior to the tiny fungal molds when it came to manufacturing *Zyklon B to murder millions of little children, but that the slimy little molds were far superior in making penicillin, to save the lives of millions of little children....

* As always with reality, its a bit more complicated than that. Zyklon B is better known as Prussic Acid or simply (hydrogen) cyanide, HCN, and works well to kill fungus and molds. 

However, the bacteria , species like pseudomonas, often produces HCN as a secondary metabolite, which almost incidentally, kills nearby fungus. Similarly some species of fungus, the penicillium being the best known, sometimes produce penicillin as a secondary metabolite, which almost incidentally kills nearby bacteria.... 

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